ADULT Tickets to Hee Haw for Health Event Sept. 21st, 2024


Please Read!

Event Details


TIME: Saturday, September 21st, 8:30am - 5:30pm

8:30-9:00 am Gates Open!

Speakers To Be Announced

Saint Nic and his Donkey visit at noon (this is a highlight
for the children, don’t miss it!)

5:30 Raffle Winners


The Oklahoma Donkey Dairy

13150 N Peebly Road

Luther, OK 73054


Please go over the rules with your children before you visit!

Adults are responsible for their children at all times. Children kicking, hitting, chasing animals or destroying property will be asked to leave. This is a working farm, with livestock, large animals, ponds, stock tanks, woods, uneven terrain, vehicles, and weather permitting, a campfire.

No pets allowed. Contact us prior to your visit if you require a service dog or further assistance. We have mammoth donkeys and dogs that could perceive your dog as a threat.

No Smokin'

No Vapin'

No Cussin'

No Feedin', Chasin', or Yellin'& at critters or kids
that don't belong to you.

No jumpin' fences or openin' gates. (Fences are HOT!!! Call
it grounding, call it electro-shock therapy, call it what you want, but please
remember "no cussin'" if you ignore this rule.)


What to wear: close toed shoes strongly suggested. If it’s
bug weather, bring your preferred bug repellent of choice. (We do not use
pesticides on our farm.)


The Farmhouse and the playground beyond the gate are private. Please respect all gates, fences, and boundaries.


Have fun and stay safe!


Oklahoma Agritourism Info

Oklahoma Donkey Dairy LLC is a registered, Oklahoma Agritourism Business.

Warning: Under Oklahoma law, there is no liability for an injury or death of a participant in a registered agritourism activity conducted at this registered agritourism location if such injury or death results from the inherent risks of such agritourism activity. Inherent risks of agritourism activities include, but shall not be limited to, the potential of you as a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury or death and the potential of another participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury or death. You are assuming the risk of participating in this registered agritourism activity.

Photographic Release: I understand and agree that by participating in these Activities, I may be photographed and/or videotaped by the Organization for internal and/or promotional use. My choice to attend activities at the farm is my consent and I hereby grant and convey to the Organization all right, title, and interest, including but not limited to, any royalties, proceeds, or other benefits, in any and all such photographs or recordings, and consent to the Organization’s use of my name, image, likeness, and voice in perpetuity, in any medium or format, for any publicity without further compensation or permission.

"This was our first time attending the Hee Haw for Health event and we are so glad we went. The speakers were all fantastic, and the opportunity to meet with some of them individually for a consult during the event was incredible. The event was both informative and encouraging, and we can't wait to go again next year!"

Andrew Botsford on Nov 02, 2021

"This years Healthcare event was very well planned and put together! The healthcare providers spoke on relevant topics regarding today’s challenges in healthcare. The information given was enlightening and beneficial. I’m thankful that I went and I look forward to next year!"

Katy Walsh on Nov 2, 2021

"I could not have been more impressed with this event. Everything from the healthcare presenters (and their availability for talking to you one-on-one), the excitement of the kids running around playing and crafting, to the connections being made between professionals and families around the bonfire…magical. They even had a cool Santa! This event was simply amazing. Can’t wait til the next one!!"

Anne Marie Liles on Sept 17, 2021