We know that no one is as motivated to help a child recover as their parents, grandparents, family and friends.

At Hee Haw for Health, we believe in equipping family, friends, and community to have a part in caring for their loved one, with this in mind, we ask that each applicant for Wellness Scholarships participate in their journey to health by either hosting a Family & Friends Fundraiser, or contributing personally toward their child's wellness expenses.
Funding will be approved up to $500 of the total invoice for care or donkey milk funds, up to 50% of the total amount.
The Process:
Families in need must be approved through the application process in the link below.

Click here to Apply For Wellness Scholarship or Donkey Milk Assistance

**If children or families lose eligibility or no longer need the funds raised for that child, Hee Haw for Health reserves the right to distribute the funds to other children in the program. 

Contact us if you would like to do a Family and Friends Fundraiser to help pay for your portion of your child's milk or wellness journey.

Contact Us About Hosting a Family & Friends Fundraiser